
Today's Tokyo forecast: 18℃/ 12℃/ 20%

UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672

p0intさんの絵文字 Butacome, posted by Shunya Shiraishi-san, actually my appearance movie “Gantz Perfect Answer” release 23 Apr. this is part 2 of Gantz. action VFX, stage set are large scale that can’t be in Japanese movie. if you watch part you may understand, part 2 is not only Gantz world, human drama and love story are depicted more, I think this could be piece that women can enjoy
p0intさんの絵文字 Chameleon-san (Gantz costume design) blog on 4/6. I got it I got it. Gantz latter part, Gantz Perfect Answer!! poster for cinema and 2 sorts of 4 tickets! Producer send me so late I worried about it. well as he gave me 4 tickets, I can watch 4 times! why send me? I have written on my journal. I designed costume of police special assault team. they offer me to appear, but I have time conflict… I gave up
p0intさんの絵文字 Kan-san (VS Arashi producer) tweet on 4/8 since last night I go t many thank you tweet (please lead Thursday's his tweet on 4/7 Arashigoto) I’m so humbled. I have just done normally nothing special. what I realized. It was fans brought up Arashi, that confidential relationship is wonderful. I think “please win” all of you could transformed to me to make me say it, could be.
p0intさんの絵文字 Case Brutus serial of Sho-kun is suspended from next issue.
p0intさんの絵文字 Orista blog Aiba-chan’s quote “ the place I can belong is only Arashi, I think so”

22:00-23:00 Oshare-ism spring 1 hour special, NTV Kazunari Ninomiya appears to Studio  Kazunari Ninom iya talks inside of movie▽二宮和也が映画の撮影裏話を語る Kazunari Ninomiya suspicion of  bad blood with one member of Arashi!? who is hi!? dangerous play having drink!?二宮和也…嵐の1人と不仲疑惑!一体誰!?&酒飲んで危険な遊び!? Ninomiya talk episode that he went have out for dinner or drink with members of Arashi, unveil the inside episode of starring movie. and unique magician, Karakuri Doll appears for Ninomiya who is magic lover performs magic.二宮は、嵐のメンバーと食事や飲みに行った際のエピソードを語り、出演映画の撮影時の裏話を明かす。また、マジックが得意な二宮のため、ユニークなマジシャン・からくりどーるが登場し、マジックを披露する。introduce episode he had dinner or drink with members of Arashi. Matsumoto talks passionately, Ohno never invites him for dinner. talks inside story of movie Gantz, pain he had for hard action scene. for Ninomiya, a magic lover, Karakuri Doll “most annoying magician in Japan” appears in the studio and performs magic.▽嵐メンバーと食事や飲みに行った際のエピソードを紹介。松本は熱く語る、大野はどうしても一緒に食事に行ってくれない、など。▽映画「GANTZ」撮影時の裏話を語る。過酷なアクションシーンの苦労など。▽マジックが得意な二宮のため、「日本一ウザいマジシャン」からくりどーるがスタジオに登場。マジックを披露する。

chiru612さんの絵文字 RADIO 
22:00-22:30 Bay Storm Kazunari Ninomiya Bay FM

momokureさんの絵文字 J-WEB

Sho-chan billboard at Shibuya Marui City until 27 Apr.

time changed to 10:00-17:00 KDDI Design Studio event schedule the event that you can experience as smart phone that release this Spring watching Arashi movie over 50 patterns “What’s Android AU?”

kunichan-445さんの絵文字 EVENT 
GANTZ Exhibition 1/24 to beginning of May 9:30-17:30 (only weekday) venue: Shueisha Jinbo-cho bldg, Shueisha Museum
■Gantz competition until 4/24 but you can still enjoy the game to get points
■Goods Sales starts at Nittere-ya, at Shiodome, Tokyo station, TRAPE FRAPE  (Handeda air port)
Gantz x Tsutaya campaign until 5/8
■11:00-Gantz Perfect Answer first day stage greeting ticket pre-reserve application


norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Chocola BB poster at major station,  JCB poster at major stations, Kirin Tanrei Green posters at major stations. . Fasio store fixture. Hitachi Catalogue, + Water pop at drag store,  DS3 billboard at major station. Gantz billboards. au new poster. Android au poster at Shibuya,  pamphlet of Nintendo Dogs + Cats, Aflac billboard. AU catalogue
Hitachi CM at Tokyo Metro major station's station vision,

Upcomings here  & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here



さんの絵文字your donation appreciated a lot. m(_ _)m and your volunteer is welcomed.

さんの絵文字 all soul rest in peace.  saestyle518さんの絵文字 Arashi fans cheering tweet hash tag #arsmile

14584284さんの絵文字 DISASTER NEWS NHK in ENG, Multilingual Information for Disaster Victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake

tanbo631992さんの絵文字 rotation blackout : check your area today blackout is not planned.
Operation Yashima (save electric power) illustration in Arashi style by @nanatsu75 san yuupanさんの絵文字 save using cell phone for victim areas t-watagumoさんの絵文字 save shopping we have enough food for whole Japan. tsuchiura-yegさんの絵文字 save water

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